
Off the Record Banner

Off the Record is the Hotchkiss Record’s Newsletter, distributed bi-weekly on the off-weeks of the print run to the student body as well as subscribers.

UPDATE: JSON files for issues starting from January 21, 2020 are stored in the Newsletter repository.


Off the Record is compiled in mjml, using node.js. It is sent as HTML embed within an email. To set up the environment––run

git clone

or use the local GitHub client to clone the repo in your desired directory. Initiate the necessary packages and dependencies:

npm init -y && npm install mjml
export PATH="$PATH:./node_modules/.bin"

(You might need to install node & npm onto your device first.)


An automaton has been created to automatically create .mjml files for Off the Record. Its name is Henry. Simply double-click the executable named henry from the offtherecord folder and Henry will guide you through the necessary steps. To use the most up-to-date version of Henry, clone the Henry repository and follow the instructions there. UPDATE: Please use the Henry web app now.

(The old documentation for manually compiling newsletters can still be found here.)